Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sorry ;o


sorry i missed friday's post i was soo busy that day ): i tried to make time. however yesterday was amazing! for once i actually smiled this weekend. I woke up a little late around 3pm :S and my dad was like heyy lets go shoot some hoops! : D and i was like yea suree... :S i went with my little brother and our friend MK. Soo my brother was with my mom for most of the time in this stadium like thing and then MK and i were standing there at the court laughing at everything!. Starting with FishFace, hes this really freaky indian boy he has no idea how to play basketball. He travels, Double dribbles and doesn't clear it. UFF ! he pissed my off the most. Then theres The FAG.. he told me i shouldn't be in the court area since im a girl.. however i told him to fuck off and i eventually pwned his ass (: and he left :P Then theres SOCKS ! D: hes really gdd at playing but has really, like REALLY bad taste in clothes. He was wearing Red and orange shorts and a big black and white Tee and this really long black and white socks and to finish it off he was wearing a black and white spit fire hat. MK and i went to go talk to him wen all of the sudden hes just like U GOTTa PROBLEM? and i turn around and hes saying that to my little brother.. and then a conversation started and in the end he was a pretty cool guy. At last ! the only player who had a good technique and didnt travel or double dribble or forget to clear. AND he wasn't wearing Socks :S haha Socks is now a new insult :P i just realized this was too long of a post soo im just gonna stop there :/

Here's the Dreamy Picture of the Day (: :

Flight of Aquarius By: Josephine Wall


Soaring high above the clouds, a girl rides the Pegasus Unicorn, her hair flowing in the breeze created by the gentle beating of his wings. Together they follow the rainbow of hope as it leads them into a future of peace and love for all.

Ugh,, i wanna ride the pretty unicorn and follow the pretty rainbow of hope as it leads to a bucket of skittles and to a future with peace and love for all ! : D

comment ?! :P

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