Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dance of Dreams


Hmm.. Today .. how was my day? :S well it was normal i guess :/. I woke up, went to school... OMG ! ok i remember! today we had the Doha debates held at our school! : D and i think Hilliary Clinton was supposed to come but that was just something going around the school and on twitter. Anyway it was so epicc! Except for the fact that Romania beat USA :/ they had some good points but america was alot better but this one guy was just repeating what another person on the team had said which was pretty stupid :P. ok soo we had the debates right soo when we go to lunch (as a class) there was like 10 minutes left and soo we stayed for a while longer untill the grade 9+ came hehe (:. (lunch is split up in my school.. soo gay right?) So anyway there was like 20+ minutes left and this teacher comes out of no where and is like this is the grade 9's lunch time, you shouldn't be here! and we used our usual excuse "SIR! we were at the debates" Teacher: " oh ok are you done?" Me: "yea sorta :/" Teacher: "well then get out your done so go to your classes noww !!!" Me: *runs in fear :S*. ok so we get to school and we just decide to skip our class and just hung around different areas of school :P. Theeeen ! we had drama and we were supposed to be doing these little skits and some guy i was working with was being racist but it was ok and funny .. a little but then he overdid it! talking once is enough not every part of the whole skit! jeez.. -.-" yea we totally lost it by then and we lost track of time soo yea it was pretty retarded. science was last lesson and it was boring as usual soo i don't need to talk about that i've already said too much :P

Heres the Dreamy picture of the day!(Recommended by Alia):

Dance of Dreams

Dance of Dreams by: Josephine Wall


Swept along by the powerful and passionate mood of the music, the dancer’s head is filled with dreams which spill out onto her swirling gown. With each movement more memories and aspirations pour forth, Oh how she dreams of visiting far off places and meeting her ‘perfect’ companion one day. Like her dress, life is multi-layered and full of surprises..!!

Ok.. soo heres the dealio, alia was supposed to tell me why this is a good dreamy picture and yea didn't happen :/ soo now i gotta explain. Uhh.. Well the title has the name Dream in it soo it's relevant to the topic and stuff.. :S. Well yea im just gonna stop there :/

comment :/

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