Tuesday, February 16, 2010

No More


Today was meh :|. After school was really bad, i had a huge argument with my older brother about MY ipod. He was yelling at me for syncing my ipod which erased the songs that he liked on my ipod. So this is what he did he got me a blackberry wire soo i can put all my songs on there and he can put all his songs on my ipod and he thinks that way everyones happy :S. MY IPOD ! what does he not understand about that >:/. my birthday is in 12 days and i still have no plans for it ):. wow i guess im not really celebrating my birthday this year ):. Today wasn't all that interesting soo i guess i'll just post the Dreamy picture of the day.

Here is the Dreamy picture of the day:

No more

No More by: Josephine Wall


"Progress" - Man's word to excuse the disgraceful abuse of our precious world.

"Gaia" has watched from afar, hoping that the trustees of this world would come to their senses, and finally unable to bear the destruction any more, the "Earth Goddess" returns to force back the advancing darkness. Some animals flee in terror whilst others shelter beneath her life giving mantel. The battle to restore beauty is joined.

"No more" will she allow mans blindness, greed and intolerance to pervade this planet. As she strides purposefully forward, nature's beauty is once again restored.

Let this be a lesson to us all!


I love this picture soo much! It actually based on the real world except for really huge lady :S. Since our world is exposed to so much pollution people forgot about the amazing, epic, awesome, etc. side of the world ):. So this picture is really cool cuz the lady is like pushing away the Factories and while shes doing that a the parts that she pushed away are restoring slowly, and i love how the animals are helping her (: but the animals at the back are running away .. :/



  1. Btw, its a dreamy picture because.. its just awesome. Its like elegant and looks like shes dancing and its pretty.
    Alia likes pretty pictures.

  2. Then i should post prettier pictures (:
