Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love is in the Air... unfortunately :/


Hellooo (: TODAY IS VALENTINES DAY ! :D oh yay.. -_-".. ok honestly i hate Valentines day. I hate everything about it! ):< however the funny thing is i didnt know that it was Valentines day today until like second to last period. which is like at 1:something pm :P. hehe im soo smart. and i've been writing the dates on my papers and stuff. FAIL. Anyway Valentines day isn't really something we should be celebrating and it has nothing to do with LOVE :S it actually has something to murder and killing and blood :S. Don't understand? hehe check out my friend Alia's blog she explains it all in a clear logical way (: heres a link >.>
Anywayy,, you'll be shocked and you'll find a great reason as to why u should hate or don't celebrate at all (:.

So for now heres the Dreamy of the day! :D :

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Love is in the Air by: Josephine Wall


Dancing in the moonlight the lovers are transported to a world of their own. The moon becomes a glittering mirror-ball scattering rainbow stars to light up their cloudy ballroom. When love is in the air all things are possible!

This picture is supposed to referring to Valentines day i guess.. soo i just put it there. I dont actually like this picture but it just fits into everything... and it's not very dreamy :S

comment :/ ? ,, omg i used the word Valentines soo much :S

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