Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ocean Of Dreams


Ok, i seriously got bored and had no idea what to do so i thought i should work on my blogger yet i still have no idea as to what it should be based on. Today was quite a day, i stayed home from school and spent most of the time sleeping when all of the sudden my electricity cuts off. Whats up with that?! haha :P. Well something great happened today (:. someone i haven't talked to in soo long suddenly shows up outta the blue :S. He started talking to me but i ignored and i kinda regret that :/ we had such long history and i was an asshole. Hopefully i find another time to talk to him ):. OMG my guitar broke and i can't practice or write or anything really,, hopefully im getting it fixed later today! : D (random much?). Anyway i decided that after every post i gotta post the Dreamy picture of the day and if you're bothered leave a comment telling me what you think of the picture.

Heres today's Dreamy picture:

Ocean of Dreams by: Josephine Wall


Sailing on an ocean of stars the galleon with its beautiful figurehead, heads of into the night. As it sails the dream bringer unfurls her cloak and a myriad dreams spill out in its wake.

I think this picture is amazing (: ! Haha makes me feel all hippish :/if thats a feeling :P. i love the fact that i pictured my self (dreamed) lying in an endless field of Green grass and the light blue sky stretching on forever typing up this up on blogger, which is unbelievable since i cant possibly have any internet connection BUT ! i imagined it.

Leave a comment! (:

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