Wednesday, February 17, 2010



Well today was just great.. -_-" my driver decided that maybe he should be 2 hours late, just for kicks or maybe to piss me off.. asshole >:/ and while i was after school waiting and sorta half asleep my drama teacher came and asked if i could watch her kid for a while.. what do i look like some kind of babysitter ? man that kid is messed up, he cuts his own hair and hes pretty much gay and he listens to miley cyrus. Sad much? Soo i had to follow that kid everywhere and this one guy was helping me out. His name is nasser haidar. Nasser had just about enough and just decided to ditch me while i wasn't looking.... DF. And in arabic class today the teacher used me as an example for a student that would always get in trouble. A friend of mine was on another persons phone and the teacher caught them. So this is what she said. "Please,(persons name) don't use this in the class put it away see of this was Salma or (another person) i will take from them and i will give to the principal but for others im telling you now put it away thank you so much". WTF. In conclusion... my day was really crappy. -_-" Theres more to this gay ass day i had but it's not that important o-o



  1. crappy arabic teacher..dnt know y they cant hire some ppl who can actually teach :/

  2. man they shuld hire wessams mom she actually teaches us when she substitutes
